In response to a high level of interest surrounding the definition of key terms related to digital learning (e.g., online learning, hybrid learning), the CDLRA has produced a special report on definitions.
Download the full definitions report
In our definitions report, we share preliminary findings from the 2021 National Survey of Online and Digital Learning, in which Canadian post-secondary institutions reported whether they had an institution-wide definition for online learning, hybrid learning, remote learning, and distance learning and how they defined these terms.
As expected, the definitions varied greatly from institution to institution. This lack of consensus on definitions creates challenges for collaborations across institutions and for measuring the growth and evolution of digital learning at the national level.
Our report proposes the Modes of Learning Spectrum (seen below) as a framework for broadly categorizing different modes of delivery as institutions expand their online and hybrid offerings post-pandemic.
For more information on CDLRA research initiatives please contact us. Further research findings are available on our publications page.